Saturday, March 12, 2011

Bouncing Baby Boy

I wonder if the good folks at Fisher Price would tell me the name of the man or woman who invented the almighty jumperoo. If so, I would be willing drive cross-country just to thank them for giving me at least 20 to 30 minutes of uninterrupted "Mama Time" every single day.

A jumperoo is a free-standing toy for bungee jumpers in training. It's part walker, part saucer, and part parachute. It suspends babies above the floor and encourages them to develop their leg muscles by bouncing in place.

Grayden clearly loves his jumperoo. He bounces when he's happy:

And he bounces when he's mad:

He bounces when he's cool:

And even when he's tired:

Ren simply does not know what to do with the jumperoo. He just sort of sits there. We have faith that his slightly younger, yet much bigger, brother will soon show him the ropes.

***Updated 3/22/2011:
Ren has learned to leap!

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