About Us

I am a Curriculum Developer for a test preparation company. That's a fancy way of saying that I write books and courses about the SAT, ACT, GMAT, and GRE. I am fortunate to work from home, although it took me a couple of years to find the fortunate part of the situation. But with the boys in my life, I'm not sure how I would manage otherwise now. I also dabble in fiction, and am the author of a children's book about shrimping in the Carolinas.

After suffering from infertility due to a syndrome known as PCOS, I sought out the help of a Reproductive Endocrinologist. Many couples feel embarrassment or shame surrounding their infertility treatments, but after everything I went through, I wear my infertility scars like badges of honor. I beat this thing and I'm proud of it.

I became a parent just two days after my 37th birthday. Ren and Grayden entered the world at 36 weeks gestation, after a complicated, yet somehow amazing pregnancy. I marvel that I can say that after spending 14 weeks on bedrest, but it truly was a wonderful time in my life, even if I didn't get to enjoy it in a conventional way.

The next three months were dark, dark times, some of which I chronicled in this blog. Caring for newborn twins is hell. No, you cannot imagine. No, it is not like having two close in age. No, it is not just double the work. Unless you've had twins, you have no idea. Triplet and quad mothers are my true heroes. Kate Gosselin has my unending respect, even if she chooses to raise her kids differently than I do. That's the multiples mother's code: we do not judge other multiple mothers. Ever. But anyway, I somehow survived those first few months and by the time my boys were six months old, I had begun to enjoy this parenting thing. I had even fallen irrevocably in love with my sons. I hope that shows through in my blog.

Ren and Grayden are fraternal twins. Ren was Baby A, and because he was breech, they were delivered by c-section. They do not look alike at all. Those of you who tell me they do need to have your driver's licenses revoked. Ren has been significantly smaller since birth; he has curly hair, dark, close-set eyes, a hooked nose, and a small frame. Gray is much sturdier; he has straight hair, light, far-set eyes, a round nose, and a large frame. Their personalities are different, too. Ren is even-tempered, personable, cuddly, and quite agreeable. Although generally happy, Grayden is a bit more demanding and definitely the leader. Despite their differences, they get along quite well. For now.

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