Tuesday, November 5, 2013

These TWO are THREE!

I love my job. I really do. When I was pregnant and on bed rest, my job kept the depression at bay. On the weekends when Larry would go fishing and my family was out playing, I would work and pretend it was a Monday so that I didn't have to think about all the activities I was missing. And when the boys were three months old and I returned to work after maternity leave, my job provided me a safe, quiet 8 hours of uninterrupted 'me' time. I truly learned to appreciate having a life that was all mine, outside of the house even if that just meant an office inside my house where I could go and lock the door.

But lately I've found myself saying "If I didn't work, I would...". I almost started this blog with "If I didn't work, would update this blog every week." There are more:

If I didn't work, I would write the six novels in my head.
If I didn't work, I would make the five crafts I saw on Pinterest.
If I didn't work, I would exercise more often.
If I didn't work, I would take the boys to all those cool activities other moms brag about on Facebook.
If I didn't work, I would have 40 extra hours a week to clean the house.
Etc., etc., etc.

But let's be honest: if I didn't work, I would probably go insane.

But anyway...

Happy Birthday, Ren and Gray!

The boys turned 3! 

I made that! "If I didn't work, I would make more cakes!"

They are in the "Construction Vehicle Obsession" stage.


They finally understood "Trick-or-Treating" this year, and their Monkey See, Monkey Do costumes were a success, even if it was 80 degrees outside. We went to the houses around our circle with Gigi, SueSue, and the Campagnas. 
I'm guessing this is the last year I get to pick their costumes.

Worn out from handing out so much candy!
Afterwards, the boys handed out 1200 pieces of candy. When it ran out, Ren stood at the end of the driveway and waved the ghouls on. "We're all out!" he yelled. Shortly after, Grayden discovered his shadow in the street light. That was all fun and games until he realized it was permanent. He started to whine and then called, "Mama, I can't get rid of it!" I think it's time we watch Peter Pan.

Big Boy Milestones

Potty training is still in full swing. I thought Ren was ready last week and put some big boy pants on him. We were outside playing when four pre-teen girls stopped to play with the dog. Both boys were trying desperately to get their attention off the dog and onto them (Grayden's "I have a front-end loader!" fell on deaf ears) when Ren told them "I have big boy underwear on and I'm peeing down my leg!"

Grayden has zero interest in potty training. I'll ask him if he needs to use the potty and he says, "No, I'm going to put it in my diaper." Sigh.

But yesterday, they did reach one huge milestone. They have used pacifiers at bedtime since they were 6 months old. First, we used them for SIDS prevention and by the time the boys turned 1, their beloved "Bs" were incentive for nap time and night time. Each binky is attached to a "Silly Buddy," a small plush toy that helps them find the pacifiers at night. Ren has Rabbit B and Gray has Ducky B.

For the last few months, I've been telling them that when they are ready, they can leave their pacifiers out and the Binky Fairy will come get them. She'll exchange the binkies for a present, and then take the binkies to babies who need them. They thought they were ready last month, but at nap time decided that was a stupid idea. Then yesterday morning, before he was out of bed, Gray said "I'm want to give my B to the Binky Fairy." Ren agreed, but I didn't think they really meant it. They even made me take the binkies off the "B," which is a task because I had to sew them on since the velcro on the stuffed animal is so worn. But I obliged, broke the stitch, and took the binky.

They came back from SueSue's at lunch and said they were ready for a nap--without their binkies. When Gray was sleeping 30 minutes later, I was shocked. He was really attached to his, and I thought he'd be a problem. But those ladies online were right---when children are ready and they let the pacifiers go on their own, there is no fuss. (I'm sure the dozen or so holes I'd secretly poked in them helped, too).

When Ren and Grayden woke from their nap, the Binky Fairy had left them exactly what they asked for: shotguns!

Anyone else hear Blake Shelton singing "Red-red-red-red-red-red-red-red redneck!"?

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