Monday, January 9, 2012

Historical Moments at Harris Teeter

Today is a momentous day. Not because LSU and Alabama are meeting in the National Championship (don't get me started on either the BCS system or Nick $atan. There is not enough blood pressure medicine in the county to get me through that conversation). No, it is a momentous day because my boys rode in the race car shopping cart at Harris Teeter. Check it:

Despite the clear asymmetry in Ren's face here (yes, I know I should get over it), this picture brings joy to my heart. It signals the end of the supermarket struggles which we have endured these last 15 months. You simply cannot appreciate the simplicity of grocery shopping until you tote two babies into the store with you. For short trips to the store, we used a double umbrella stroller. I'd struggle pushing and steering the stroller with one hand while toting a basket, but then I discovered if I contorted the basket's handle, I could get it to sort of fit over two handle bars and it would support a bit of weight. I couldn't buy anything heavy, like milk or cat food, but it worked well for formula trips.

For more extensive trips I had to use the big stroller. It has a push bar handle, so it is easier to steer one-handed. I'd push the stroller and pull a shopping cart, which sounds quite easy. I assure you, it is not, and several witnesses at Harris Teeter and Publix can attest to the fact that I clipped corners and ran over feet every time I was there. It's even more difficult when you have one child who grunts and whines loudly every time you stop moving. I would stop to read a label or search for an item while still using only one hand to rock the stroller. It was a nightmare, and needless to say, I've hated grocery shopping for the last year and three months.

But today that all changed. The boys got into the race car shopping cart without any complaints and I was able to use two hands to push the cart, read labels, and steer. It gets easier!

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