Monday, April 15, 2013

Bad, Bad, Blogger

I am a bad, bad blogger. I cannot believe it's been 9 months since I have updated. Maybe this 9-month summary will show you why I'm so behind:

Our summer was busy!
The future Captains Watts.

 The boys welcomed a new cousin:

Willa Spencer Rawl

We exercised A LOT:

Brotherly love

The twins turned TWO!

Birthday cake went over much better this year.

 We lost someone very special to us: 

Captain Bill

 Batman and Robin stole Wonder Woman's not-so-invisible jet:

Halloween 2012

Jud got sick:
Add caption

I got married!

November 10, 2012

I went on my first vacation in 6 years!


Thanksgiving rolled around:

Thank you, Rae!
I lost my best friend many years too early:

Wood's Jud Wiser -- April 10, 2004 - December 12, 2012

Santa Claus came to town:

They didn't cry!

We welcomed a new family member in January:
Watts' Happening, Fletcher?

We spent the entire month of February in quarantine:

Sick Grayden

We got a new neighbor:

Hank the Hawk

We welcomed another new cousin:

Riley Drennan Watts

And we celebrated some birthdays:

Happy 40th, Douglas Joe!

I hope that catches everyone up to speed. I'll be back soon.

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